IMO Ballast Water Convention Will Not Come into Force in 2016!



Ballast Water Management(BWM) convention along with IMO and partner IHS Maritime & Trade were tied up to verify tonnage figures compliance for convention’s final entry-into-force.  This process stays incomplete awaiting ratifications.

Forty-seven countries have now ratified the convention, substantially more than the 30 required, but their combined fleets comprise, at most, 34.56 per cent of global tonnage, with 35 per cent required for entry into force.

“The recent ratifications have brought the BWM Convention so very close to entry into force.  While we cannot predict exactly when that will happen, I would urge countries that have not done so to ratify the BWM Convention as soon as possible so that we can establish a certain date for entry into force and also so that it is widely accepted when it does.  In particular, those countries with large merchant fleets that have not done so, are requested to accelerate their processes to ratify the Convention.”  Says IMO secretary general Kitack Lim encouraging ship owners to to install the necessary equipment and establish operational procedures in accordance with IMO regulations and standards.  He added that the Marine Environment Protection Committee, in April, 2016 will meet to discuss about the implementation of Amendments to the Convention.

Source: IMO