Intoxication Onboard Tanker Off Shenzhen Kills Two


Two dead and one seriously injured from asphyxiation following a jet fuel vapor leak.


Accident : Gas leak and intoxication
Vessel involved : Zhoushan-registered 2,000dwt oil tanker Jin Wang You 9
Enroute : Huizhou to Shenzhen
Load carried : 2000 tons of jet fuel
Casualties : Two dead and one injured

Zhoushan-registered 2,000dwt oil tanker suffered gas intoxication during an inspection work inside the forepeak tank of the vessel.  The accident was caused by a gas leak in one of the tanks.  The tanker, being loaded with 2000 tons of jet fuel, was anchored in Shenzhen Mawan Port roads.  The vessel was carrying aviation oil from Huizhou to Shenzhen.

As one of the crew members who went to inspect the gas level in the forecastle compartments did not return, two others were sent to find him.  All three suffered from gas intoxication and lack of oxygen.

Another crew member called the Shenzhen Maritime Rescue Center for help.  The rescue team found one crewman dead and the two others unconscious.  These two were taken to the hospital.  One of the two died in the hospital.

Investigations into the cause of the accident are underway.

Source: Vessel Finder