Is shipping a ‘Blessing in Disguise’?


Shipping A Better Way

Shipping plays an important role in global economy.  There are about 50,000 merchant ships which helps in carriage of 90 percent of world trade.  Infact it is an essential tool for international trade.


Though shipping is a boon to world trade, it’s also a threat to our environment says a report from International Maritime organisation.  It was reported that in 2012  international shipping was responsible for 796 million tonnes of CO2 emissions – around 2.2 percent of global emissions.  So ship manufacturers are looking at ways to minimize the environmental impact of big ships without compromising on cost efficiency.

Here are some expert ideas on controlling the environmental threat :

  • Adding a “scrubber” which is an exhaust gas cleaning system to the huge engines that power the vessels.  This can remove,sulphur emissions from the exhaust gas. Viswa scrubbers are exclusively designed to reduce the emissions and Particulate matters effectively thereby the vessel can continue to burn high sulphur fuels.
  • Modify and update fleet that helps boost its efficiency and sustainability.  This includes upgrading engines, propellers that are more fuel efficient, and increases the capacity of the vessel so that more containers can be carried on board.

Not only ideas, there are many innovations that are implemented in the shipping industry to curb the threat caused to environment.  Here comes a few of them :

  • Maersk’s Eco Voyage Tracker (EVT) allows the company to monitor its fleet across the world’s oceans at all times.
  • Maersk’s observes that 400 metres long Vessels help in reducing CO2 emissions by 35 percent per container moved, compared to the industry average on the Asia-Europe trade.  This will be achieved with a new hull design, an energy efficient engine, and a waste heat recovery system.
  • SkySails, a German company has developed a “kite wind propulsion” system for large cargo ships, where one kilowatt hour of their wind power costs only six cents for ships to use, which is about half as much as one kilowatt hour from the main engine.
  • Every day there is a huge buzz of some new technology claiming to make a ship energy efficient. While this could be true, it is necessary for every ship Manager to ensure that such new technologies indeed offer fuel savings. The only way to ensure this is to have a simple, robust data augmentation tool like VEEMS (Viswa Energy Efficiency Management System).   There is always a need to have a proper tool to measure and check whether your ships are energy efficient.  It is for this reason, Viswa Lab has come out with a user-friendly, robust, data augmentation tool to measure a ship’s energy efficiency standards.VEEMS has a tag line –

    Only if you can measure it, you can control it!

    There is always a need to have a proper tool to measure and check whether your ships are energy efficient.  It is for this reason, Viswa Lab has come out with a user-friendly, robust, data augmentation tool to measure a ship’s energy efficiency standards.

    There is always a need to have a proper tool to measure and check whether your ships are energy efficient.  It is for this reason, Viswa Lab has come out with a user-friendly, robust, data augmentation tool to measure a ship’s energy efficiency standards.

    Feel free to download VEEMS (Viswa Energy Efficiency Management System) guidebook here

Shipping is going to have great importance in future, it should  be upgraded and developed not only on business aspects in environmental aspects too.

Source: CNBC