LR To Support The Retrofit Of Two Stena Line Ferries To Methanol


  • Lloyd’s Register (LR) will support the retrofit of two Stena Line ferries, Stena Superfast VII and Stena Superfast VIII, to methanol propulsion.
  • This project follows the success of the Stena Germanica, which was retrofitted in 2015.

The retrofitting will involve converting two out of the four main engines on each ferry to run on methanol alongside Marine Gas Oil (MGO). This includes adapting the ships’ bunkering, storage, fuel supply, and supporting systems for methanol use. The vessels will also be transferred to LR class.

Significance and Experience

The Stena Germanica is currently the only retrofitted methanol vessel in service, providing valuable insights for the upcoming conversions. Paul Herbert, Principal Technology Specialist at Lloyd’s Register, emphasized the commitment to sustainability: The project to retrofit the Stena Superfast VII and VIII with methanol dual-fuel propulsion underlines Stena Line Ferries and LR’s shared commitment to sustainability and the importance of embracing alternative fuels for a more sustainable future.”

Ian Hampton, COO Fleet & Government Affairs at Stena Line Ferries, highlighted the strategic importance of this project as they continue to implement their strategy to decarbonize their operations, they still see methanol as a viable alternative fuel that will help achieve this ambition. Hampton also said that Lloyds Register, with their knowledge and experience from supporting the conversion project of Stena Germanica nine years ago, will once again be able to provide the necessary support with these retrofits of our existing tonnage.

Industry Insights

LR’s recent report, **Fuel for thought: Methanol for Passenger Ships**, indicates that methanol is becoming increasingly technically viable for shipowners. However, infrastructure and investment need to be prioritized for widespread adoption. LR has also collaborated on projects such as seafarer training for methanol handling and provided approval in principle for methanol-fueled bulk carriers.

The retrofit of Stena Superfast VII and VIII to methanol dual-fuel propulsion is a significant step towards greener ferry operations. This project will not only reduce CO2 emissions but also encourage the development of sustainable technologies in shipping.

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Source: LR