Malaysia Detains Vessels For Illegal MGO Transfer


Malaysia Detains Vessels For Illegal MGO Transfer


Incident : Vessels detained
Date : 24th October 2015
Vessels Involved : MT Chelsea II, Singapore-registered vessel and MV Lu Rong Yuan Yu 978, a Chinese registered vessel
Location : Off Tanjung Ayam, Johor

The Singapore-registered vessel was transferring Marine Gas Oil(MGO) illegally to the Chinese registered vessel in Malaysian waters.  The reports state that nearly 45.5 metric tonnes of MGO were transferred illegally.

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency(MMEA) detained the two vessels as their investigations showed that the vessels did not have proper documents or permit required for ship-to-ship operations.  Also, the vessels did not report their presence in Malaysian waters.

Three out of eight crew members onboard the Chelsea II and two out of 17 crew members on Lu Rong Yuan Yu 978 have been detained to assist with investigations.

Tanjung Sedili maritime enforcement Chief Amran Daud quoted: “The MT Chelsea II, registered in Singapore, was transferring about 45.543 metric tonnes of Marine Gas Oil (MGO) to the Shidao, China-registered MV Lu Rong Yuan Yu 978.”

Source: Bernama