Mississippi River: Towboats Collision Leads to Oil Spill



Accident : Collision.
Date : 2nd September at 20:22 hours.
Location : Mile marker 937, Mississippi River near Paducah, Kentucky.
Oil Spillage : 250000 gallons of spilled into the river.
Casualties : None.

On Wednesday, two towboats collided resulting in nearly 250,000 gallons of clarified slurry oil spillage into the river.  The spill is said to have spread over 8 km.  One of the barges carrying clarified slurry oil, sustained severe damage, thus rupturing its cargo tank and discharging the oil into the river.  Clarified slurry oil is a refining by-product.

USCG could curtail further potential spill by securing the two remaining partitions aboard the effect barge.  The investigations for the cause of the collision are underway.

SWS, an oil spill response organization and Coast Guards along with the barge owner Inland Marine Services work to rectify the oil spill.
