MOL Joins ‘Male Leaders Coalition for Empowerment of Women’


TOKYO-Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President & CEO: Takeshi Hashimoto) today announced that its President & CEO Hashimoto participated in the “Male Leaders Coalition for Empowerment of Women” (Secretariat: Japanese Cabinet Office). The move will accelerate efforts to promote gender equality and women’s advancement in MOL Group while deepening its corporate network with leaders in various industries across the country.

Male Leaders Coalition for Empowerment of Women

“Male Leaders Coalition for Empowerment of Women” is a group of corporate executives and others who are committed to promoting initiatives in line with the “Declaration of Action” for advancing gender equality and women’s activities, and accelerating efforts in companies and other organizations by building a network among participants to share issues and the measures to address them.

It will also contribute to building social momentum toward gender equality and women’s activities, by allowing participants to proactively communicate their thoughts and measures both internally and externally. Currently, about 280 participants, including business executives, prefectural governors, and mayors of municipalities, take part in the association.

In April 2021, MOL Group established a new basic policy, which positions diversity and inclusion as “driving forces for new growth” to promote diversity and inclusion management more powerfully than ever before. The basic policy is central to the group’s human resources strategy, and as it moves ahead with a framework that can combine the diverse individual abilities of every group employee all over the world to create new values.

Regarding the promotion of female advancement, the group renewed its action plan based on “Act on Promotion of Women ‘s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace” with a starting date of April 2021, and proactively promotes initiatives such as offering diverse career choices, assigning employees according to their individual abilities, and providing opportunities for growth.

MOL Group will contribute to realizing a sustainable society by promoting responses to sustainability issues, which are identified as social issues that must be addressed as priorities through its business.

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Source: MOL