MPA And SMU Signed MoU To Extend Cooperation To Support Talent

Cedit: Alexander Bobrov/Pexels

Maritime and port authority of Singapore and Shanghai Maritime University extends Cooperation to support talent, professional and academic Eexchange, saysan article published on their website.

  1. The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) extension with the Shanghai Maritime University (SMU)  to support talent, professional and academic exchange between Singapore and China in the maritime sector.

2.   The MoU extension was signed at the 4th Singapore-Shanghai Comprehensive Cooperation Council (SSCCC) by Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate & Strategy) of MPA, Mr Tan Hoe Soon, and Vice President of SMU, Mr Li Zhipeng. The MoU signing was witnessed by co-chairs of SSCCC, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth & Second Minister for Law, Mr Edwin Tong, and Mayor of Shanghai, Mr Gong Zheng, as well as viceSSCCC co-chairs Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth & Trade and Industry, Ms Low Yen Ling, and Vice-Mayor of Shanghai, Mr Hua Yuan.

3.   First signed in 2020, the extension of this MoU reaffirms MPA’s and SMU’s commitment to continue the collaboration to further deepen the talent and knowledge exchanges between Singapore’s and China’s maritime ecosystems. Under the MoU, MPA and SMU will cooperate in the areas such as information exchange, exchange of academia and professionals, student study visits, and training programmes. The MoU will cover key maritime areas including maritime safety and security, maritime energy, port management, navigational technologies, as well as marine, maritime and environmental management.

4.   Mr Teo Eng Dih, Chief Executive, MPA, said, “The extension of the MoU reaffirms the strong and comprehensive partnership that MPA has with the Shanghai Maritime University in enhancing the exchange of ideas, expertise and the application of academic and research insights to help support the global maritime transformation, including in areas of digitalisation and decarbonisation”

5.   Mr Lu Jing, President of SMU said, “It comes ever more important to work closely with stakeholders when encountering mega trends of the maritime shipping sector. Under the renewed MoU, SMU will surely deepen cooperation with MPA and the wider community in Singapore to support sustainable maritime development through, among others, talent cultivation, knowledge sharing and academic exchanges.”

6.   Please refer to the Annex for the areas of cooperation in the MoU.

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Source: mpa