MPA Issues Coronavirus Circular for Singapore Registered Ships


  • MPA released a non-exhaustive list of scenarios and provide instructions for SRS owners and managers.
  • It highlights the challenging issues due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • It is categorized into Singapore registered ships, service beyond contract, and revalidation deadlines.
  • It also highlights about mandatory surveys, audits and experience certificates.

MPA Singapore has released a circular that includes non-exhaustive list of scenarios and provide instructions for SRS owners and managers who face challenging issues due to the COVID-19 outbreak, says press release published in their website.

Impact of coronavirus outbreak on Singapore registered ships

The list of instructions are as follows:

  • MPA understands that in view of the ongoing COVID-19 situation, owners and managers of Singapore-registered ships (SRS) are facing challenges in meeting various statutory requirements under the Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) Act (the MLC Act), the Merchant Shipping Act and the subsidiary legislations.
  • These challenges may include the timely repatriation of seafarers onboard SRS at the end of the period in the seafarer’s employment agreement (SEA), deployment of seafarers who are not able to obtain revalidation from training institutes for their expiring certifications, inability to obtain shipyard dry-docking services, inability to carry out mandatory periodical surveys, audits and inspections in time, etc.
  • The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) empathises with the situation faced by the owners and managers of SRS and desires to take a pragmatic approach to assist the industry in overcoming these challenges. The following paragraphs include a non-exhaustive list of scenarios and provide instructions for SRS owners and managers who face such challenging issues due to the COVID-19 outbreak, to obtain MPA’s favourable consideration and expedited approval.

Extension of service outside contract period

  • SRS owners and managers unable to repatriate seafarers who have completed the employment duration as stipulated in the seafarers’ SEA in accordance with Section 23 of the MLC Act may submit a request to MPA for extension of the sea service period. Documents to be submitted as follows:
    • A) Employment details of the affected seafarers
    • B) Confirmation of consent by the affected seafarers
  • The extension of contractual period of the seafarers should be reflected on the corresponding SEA of the affected seafarers. Ship owners and managers should also ensure that the notification of crew list to MPA, in accordance with Section 15 of the MLC Act, is carried out.

Extension of service beyond revalidation deadline

  • Consideration will be given to allow seafarers who hold foreign issued Certificates of Competencies (COC) to continue serving onboard SRS, if they are unable to revalidate their COC before the expiry date due to the COVID-19 outbreak. SRS owners and managers may submit such request in-writing to MPA, accompanied with a confirmation of continued validity from the issuing authority of the seafarer’s COC.
  • MPA will issue a flag administration confirmation letter for the seafarer to continue serving onboard SRS. No fees will be charged for this endorsement.
  • For Singapore COC holders, MPA will issue a letter to extend validity of the COC of the holders who may not be able to disembark due to the captioned grounds, similarly without fees.

Extension of mandatory surveys, audits and expiry of statutory certificates

  • Consideration will also be given to the extension of mandatory statutory surveys, inspections or audits. Application for extension of surveys/inspections/audits or validity of statutory certificates may be submitted to MPA accompanied by recommendation from the recognized organization (RO) that issued the relevant certificate on behalf of MPA.
  • We advise SRS owners and managers to submit such application before the due date of the surveys/audits or expiry date of the statutory certificate in order to avoid Port State Control issues

Coronavirus new circulars – The Liberia Maritime Authority

Issued the MARINE ADVISORY: 03/2020 which informs interested parties on how to deal with the outbreak.

Also, the circular notes that:

  1. Only those cleared by the port authorities should be allowed on board.
  2. Limit visitor access to the vessel and to the crew as much as possible.
  3. Avoid shaking hands.
  4. Wipe down areas and items visitors have touched or may have touched with disinfectant wipes and/or sprays.
  5. Hand-washing is the best way to reduce the risk of infection being transmitted from one person to another:
    a. hands should be washed before and after every contact with a patient, using alcohol-based gels or liquids rather than soap to disinfect the hands;
    b. the use of gloves does not replace the need for hand-washing

Hong Kong Marine Department

Published the Merchant marine shipping information note, reporting that:

Shipowners, ship managers, ship operators and masters are urged to promulgate information to ensure that seafarers, passengers and others on board ships are provided with accurate and relevant information on the coronavirus outbreak and on the measures to reduce the risk of exposure if they are likely to be engaged on ships trading to and from ports in coronavirus-affected States.

Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry

Issued Circular No. 03/2020 which highlights that all owners and managers of ships flying the Cyprus Flag are strongly urged to promulgate information on the basis of IMO Circular Letter No. 4204 to ensure that seafarers, passengers and others on board ships are provided with accurate and relevant information on the coronavirus outbreak and on the measures to reduce the risk of exposure if they are likely to be engaged on ships trading to and from ports in coronavirus-affected States.

The Bahamas Maritime Authority’s

IssuedTechnical alert Version No. 1.2 provides information on the widely reported outbreak of novel coronavirus.

MPA Singapore

Issued the PORT MARINE CIRCULAR NO. 03 OF 2020 according to which:

  • All arriving vessels that have called at ports in China in the past 14 days;
  • All arriving vessels with crew/passengers who have travelled to mainland China in the past 14 days

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Source: MPASingapore