Navigation warning – Benin Bight off West Africa


RMI Warns Vessels On The Benin Bight Off West Africa


‘Always maintain a sharp lookout, especially in hours of darkness, and use radar information.’

A report has been received recently by The Maritime Administrator of the Republic of the Marshall Islands.  This report states that, some commercial vessels, because of their anti-piracy protocols, trading on the Benin Bight off West Africa, may not be displaying navigation lights as required by the International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea 1972 (COLREGS).

Further, their automatic identification system (AIS) may also not be transmitting.

It has been strongly recommended by RMI authorities that ship managers and masters of Republic of the Marshall Islands registered vessels trading on the Benin Bight share this information with all Bridge Team members and that this situation be factored into their berth-to-berth voyage plans.

Moreover, it is recommended that Bridge Teams be emphasised of the need to maintain a sharp lookout, especially in hours of darkness and to use radar information for collision avoidance.

Source: IRI