New Secretary General For IMO Is Kitack Lim



The IMO Assembly unanimously supported in appointing  Kitack Lim as its New Secretary General.  He will occupy the position with effect from 1st January, 2016 for an initial term of four years.

In a symbolic act of transition and succession, Mr. Koji Sekimizu outgoing Secretary-General, handed over a comprehensive briefing paper on IMO’s recent achievements and ongoing objectives, the Secretariat’s structure and support work, the Organization’s financial arrangements and other relevant topics.  He also congratulated Mr. Lim on his appointment as the new Secretary-General.

Addressing the Assembly, Mr. Lim said : “IMO currently faces an array of challenges and issues such as implementation of Member State Audit Scheme, emissions from ships, application of Goal Based Standards, increasing traffic in polar waters, introduction of e-Navigation, the Ballast Water Management Convention, counter-piracy activities, cyber security and safety standards for passenger ships and fishing vessels, etc.”

“However, with the collective wisdom and insight of all Member States and stakeholders, I am confident that we can withstand the storm and resolve such difficult issues.  I hope we can come together as one to pave a new future for IMO, based on the noble efforts and achievements to date,”

Mr. Lim also promised his commitment to undertake his duties with devotion and prudence throughout his tenure.

About Kitack Lim:

  • He was born in Masan, Gyeongsangnam-do, one of the port cities in Republic of Korea.
  • He graduated in nautical science at the Korea Maritime and Ocean University(KMOU) in the year 1977.
  • He worked on ships as Korean naval Officer and for Sanko Shipping Co.
  • In the year 1985, he joined Korea Maritime and Port Administration.
  • He further obtained a masters degree at the Graduate School of Administration, Yonsei University.
  • He then studied maritime administration with a major in navigation at the World Maritime University (WMU), graduating with a master’s degree.
  • From 1995 he attended a doctoral programme for international law at KMOU, completing course work in 1998.
  • Mr. Lim began attending IMO meetings as part of the Republic of Korea’s delegation in 1986, actively participating in maritime safety and environmental protection issues.
  • He was elected Chairman of the Tokyo Memorandum on Port State Control in 2004.
  • He served as the Republic of Korea’s Deputy Permanent Representative to IMO from 2006 to 2009.
  • He was Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Flag State Implementation (FSI) from 2002 to 2004.
  • In March 2011, Mr. Lim was appointed Commissioner of the Korean Maritime Safety Tribunal (KMST).
  •  In July 2012, he assumed the position of President of Busan Port Authority.

Source: IMO