NYK and MTI Receive Approval for New Maintenance Method



The condition-based maintenance (CBM) programme for the primary diesel engine aboard the coal carrier Noshiro Maru, owned by Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha, has been certified by ClassNK (NYK Line) as reported by ClassNK.

Updated guidelines 

Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) has gained significant traction from the perspectives of safe operation and operational cost reduction. In addition to publishing its CBM Guidelines, ClassNK has created regulations for the adoption of CBM in-class maintenance surveys that outline the necessary paperwork and the approval process for replacing periodic overhaul inspections with CBM. Guidelines for Selecting the Concerned Machinery and Equipment and Methods for Condition-Based Maintenance, the results of joint research with NYK Line, MTI Co., Ltd., and Japan Engine Corporation (J-ENG), were incorporated when the guidelines were updated in 2021.

Cooperative research project

The Diesel Engine Main Bearing Condition Monitoring System was created as part of the aforementioned cooperative research project, coupled with a study on the suitability of the technology to put sensors in the main engine bearings. With the help of this system, it is possible to collect precise bearing temperature and ship operation data and share it in real-time with classification societies and engine manufacturers. By detecting the temperature of the lubricating oil at the main bearings’ lubricating oil exit, this system was installed in the Noshiro Maru and CBM was used to monitor the status of the main bearings. ClassNK has authorised the CBM scheme after reviewing this ship’s CBM scheme in accordance with the pertinent regulations and confirming compliance with the set conditions.

ClassNK will continue to look at ways to improve safety through R&D with partners led by innovators in new technology, like CBM, and will also support the adoption of new technology and the realisation of ship safety by establishing regulations based on the knowledge acquired.


Time-based maintenance (TBM)2 is frequently used in the maritime sector. Regardless of the equipment’s condition, TBM inspections are still required on a regular basis, which adds to the expense of repairs and delays the operation.

Together with ClassNK and Japan Engine Corporation, NYK and MTI have been researching how to use CBM to optimise maintenance in order to address these problems.

Project Partners
Joint research for realizing CBM for main diesel engines NYK, MTI


Japan Engine Corporation


Outline of Certified CBM

The “CBM Guidelines, Second Edition,” published by ClassNK in 2021, adopts the certified CBM method for monitoring the state of bearings3 of large marine diesel engines by temperature data.

Additionally, the NYK-owned coal carrier Noshiro Maru has the Diesel Engine Main Bearing Condition Monitoring System installed, which displays bearing temperature data received from sensors installed on the main bearings and ship operation data.

Future Outlook

After the CBM technology has been used on the Noshiro Maru, NYK will think about using it on further boats owned by the NYK Group. In addition to the main engine main bearings, the NYK Group wants to use CBM-based maintenance on other types of equipment.

The NYK Group is working to create autonomous, next-generation CBMs where artificial intelligence (AI) continuously tracks the health of engine plants across the fleet and chooses when maintenance should be performed using data like operating schedules.

In order to prevent serious engine accidents, offer safe and effective operations, and advance ESG management, we want to implement next-generation CBM.

The “NYK Group ESG Story,” which strives to better integrate ESG into the company’s management strategy and encourages initiatives that contribute to the realisation of the SDGs through business activities, was issued by NYK on February 3, 2021. The updated “NYK Group ESG Story 2022” was made public by NYK on March 24, 2022. It introduces initiatives for incorporating ESG into the Group’s management strategies and gives a brief description of the Group’s sustainable growth strategy over the long term.

As a supplier of sustainable solutions, NYK will keep adding new value in order to significantly support ESG management.


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Source: ClassNK