Onboard CCS is Vital For Attaining Net-Zero Emissions


With a focus on zero carbon emissions by 2050, the search for viable options for such an industry remains essential. The excerpt also points out how other scrubbers play a part towards making the shipping industry cleaner.

Scrubbers and CCS Integration

The first technology used in the reduction of sulphur emissions was scrubbers. However, they have now evolved into multifaceted technology platforms that can accommodate a wide range of advanced technologies such as CCS. Currently, Wärtsilä Exhaust Treatment is developing such technology to test an elaborate 70% CO2 capture rate CCS system. Scrubbing in CCS provides an excellent method towards notable emissions reduction in the maritime transport sector.

Challenges and Solutions

The implementation of CCS on vessels is associated with barriers such as space constraints, energy requirements, and infrastructure concerns. These challenges are addressed by feasibility studies undertaken by Wärtsilä providing shippers with necessary information about a seamless integration process. Despite the difficulties, continuous testing and the will of the industry demonstrate a lasting spirit to surpass problems in a cleaner shipping practice.

Industry Impact

Scrubbers as a milestone along the way towards CCS in the shipping industry’s green transition. The approach is in line with IMO’s environmental aspirations and serves to demonstrate how innovative and flexible the sector can be. Despite challenges associated with the roll-out of CCS ongoing tests and feasibility studies like those done by Wartisila, demonstrate commitment towards driving sustainable change. With the net-zero targets that the industry seeks, the integration of scrubbers and CCS becomes a viable and futuristic answer.

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Source: riviera