RMI: Seminar on PSC Awareness and the Role of the Flag State



Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Maritime Administrator (The “Administrator”) has conducted a seminar on 19th April 2016 focussing on the Port State Control (PSC) awareness.

‘A seminar on PSC inspections’ was arranged by the RMI at the Istanbul Chamber of Shipping.


  • The focus of the seminar was to create PSC awareness and the role of the flag State.
  • The main goal of this seminar was to provide enhanced feedback about PSC inspections onboard RMI flagged vessels.


  • Presentations were given by Captain Theodore Lalas, Fleet Operations Manager (IRI Piraeus), and Ozgur Asik, Marine Manager (IRI Istanbul).
  • Topics included a PSC overview, information regarding RMI flagged vessel detentions in 2014, 2015, and 2016 by vessel type, location, and a discussion of the top detainable deficiencies causing detentions of RMI flagged vessels.
  • Case studies with detailed photos were provided for accurate identification of these deficiencies in future inspections.
  • In addition, it was noted that the RMI has received preliminarily recognition by the United States Coast Guard for Qualship 21 for the year 2016 and therefore has held Qualship 21 status for 12 consecutive years, which is unprecedented.

About RMI:

The RMI Registry is fully committed to the safety and security of personnel ashore and afloat, the Registry’s vessels, and the marine environment.  Seminars such as this, frequently held by the Administrator, provide the awareness necessary to preserve that commitment, to maintain its reputation as a quality fleet, and to save owners/operators costly delays at port.

Source: Republic of the Marshall Islands Registry (RMI)