El Faro – Could a Route Change Have Saved the Fate?



The El Faro sank Oct. 1 while sailing from Jacksonville to Puerto Rico, killing all 33 aboard.  Investigators are seeking answers about who bears responsibility for the ship sailing into a hurricane.

It’s reported that the captain of the ill fated freighter El Faroe has sent a mail to his superiors asking about a route change to home the day before his ship sank near the Bahamas.  In his email, Michael Davidson is reported to have asked if he could take a slower route home from Puerto Rico.

Philip Morrell, vice president of marine operations for Tote Services Inc., told a U.S. Coast Guard investigative panel on Tuesday that it is not company policy for captains to ask for permission about voyages or routes. Morrell said the email showed common courtesy by the captain, not evidence that management dictated the ship’s route.

The hearings on the incident are expected to dig deep into many questions, most importantly about misconduct, negligence or shoddy safety inspections contributed to the El Faro’s demise.

A second session of hearings scheduled later this year will address the ship’s final voyage and the decisions made by the company and captain to set sail despite the storm.

After all of the hearings are finished, the Coast Guard will release a report of its findings.


Source: CBS News