Security Certificate mandatory for all seafarers from 1st July 2015



From 1st of July all seafarers with and without designated duties are required to provide an evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence in security-awareness.  This will be checked by the Port State Control.

According to the STCW Manila Amendments each crew member on board, regardless of their position, shall be trained in security-awareness.  Although the training is mandatory since 1st January 2014, there was an “interim” period for seafarers not having the respective certificate at hand.

For all seafarers who do not have the highest level like a SSO – whether they are personnel on board with designated security duties or personnel in any other capacity – have to receive training in security awareness in accordance with the table of competencies A-VI/6-1 or A-VI/6-2.   After the training you have to apply for a respective Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) issued by your administration.