Shipping Decarbonization Starts With Action, Says Report


There is strong agreement in the maritime sector that shipping must and can decarbonize by 2050 and by 2030 have commercially viable zero emission vessels operating deep-sea routes and reach at least 5% scalable zero emission fuels in international shipping, reports Global Maritime Forum.

Based on the actions and commitments reported by the close to 240 signatories of the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization, this Insight Brief explains that the maritime industry is already showing leadership and taking concrete action in key areas of the decarbonization transition

Report on Climate Commitments

The Report on Climate Commitments for the first time provides an overview and analysis of some of the many climate actions and commitments that are planned or undertaken across a wide spectrum of the maritime ecosystem. The report gives a broad and detailed look into which concrete steps industry is taking toward shipping decarbonization today and what we can expect over the coming decade.

In the context of the recently published Strategy for the Transition to Zero-Emission Shipping, the Report on Climate Commitments actually confirms that some of the Strategy’s key findings and recommendations for action are already visible.

  • First, the report confirms that shipping is experimenting with, applying, and planning for a range of different zero-emission fuels, vessels, and technologies – an expression of the flexibility of choice of zero emission fuels and technologies.
  • Second, a broad range of companies and organizations in maritime nations across the world have understood the importance of decarbonizing supply chains and services and are thus better prepared for the rapid scale-up in the 2030’s onwards. Some are setting their own ambitious scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emission reduction targets, are providing GHG emissions transparency, and are investing in zero emission or are planning to do so.
  • Third, climate actions and commitments are spread across all continents, and many projects include collaboration between different actors including public private partnerships, which confirms that leadership is seen from many actors and geographies. In the following sections, the Insight Brief highlights the main findings from the Report on Climate Commitments and provides just a few of the many examples highlighted in the report.

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Source: Global Maritime Forum