S&P Global To Conduct Online Shipping Forum


Shipping has faced challenge after challenge in recent history, from IMO2020 regulations, the blockage of the Suez Canal, congestion, constrained supply chains and the impending environmental regulations such as Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), reports S&P Global.

Challenges of the shipping industry

For the near future can we expect radical change? Will the market continue to be under extreme pressure? How will demand centers influence rates?

But the most important question remains: will shipping markets buoy or sink?

Join S&P Global Platts Asia Pacific Shipping Forum to learn why shipping always takes the center stage in commodities markets.

This thought-leadership forum will address container, tanker, and dry-bulk markets with specialized critical content. Furthermore, we will explore bunker pricing outlooks and scrubber economics. The Forum will conclude with a vital panel discussion on the challenges shipping may face due to energy transition.

For a holistic look at shipping markets, the Forum is a must attend event!

Register now 

Secure your place on July 14 at our complimentary event!

Registration closes on July 12, 5pm SGT


10:00 am Welcome address

Pradeep Rajan, Senior Managing Editor,
S&P Global Platts

10:10 am Container markets: how will H2 2021 shape up after the highs and lows of the first half?

Baoying Ng, Global Managing Editor,
S&P Global Platts

Parisha Tyagi, Asia Associate Editor,
S&P Global Platts

10:35 am Tanker markets: recovery in sight for 2H 2020, but challenges remain

  • Recovering oil product market could boost tanker sector
  • Expansion of vaccine rollout to increase crude demand and ton-mile demand

Sameer Mohindru, Senior Editor,
S&P Global Platts

Vickey Du, Associate Editor,
S&P Global Platts

11:00 am Dry bulk markets: freight steady; is the rebound here to stay?

  • Global stimulus funds have strengthened dry market
  • China demand holding the key

Carina Li, Editor,
S&P Global Platts

Isaac Eio, Associate Editor,
S&P Global Platts

Shriram Sivaramakrishnan, Managing Editor,
S&P Global Platts

11:25 am Mid-morning break
11:40 am Bunker price outlook

  • Outlook for bunker fuel price differentials
  • Scrubber economics and HSFO demand

Alex Yap, Senior Analyst,
S&P Global Platts

12:05 pm Panel discussion: shipping facing challenges from decarbonization, energy transition  

Alex Yap, Senior Analyst,
S&P Global Platts

Baoying Ng, Managing Editor,
S&P Global Platts

Pradeep Rajan, Senior Managing Editor,
S&P Global Platts

12:45 pm Closing remarks

Baoying Ng, Managing Editor,
S&P Global Platts

1:00 pm Forum concludes


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Source: S&P Global