Star Bulk To Capitalise On Scorpio’s Dry Bulk Exit


Star Bulk is the latest company seeking to capitalize on Scorpio Bulkers’s exit from dry bulk, taking on seven of its ships, reports Ship&Bunker.

The massive buy

Star Bulk has agreed to buy the SBI Pegasus, the SBI Ursa, the SBI Subaru, the SBI Capoeira, the SBI Carioca, the SBI Lambada and the SBI Macarena, the company said in a statement on its website this week. Three of the ships are equipped with scrubbers.

Star Bulk will assume the outstanding lease obligations of the ships, currently at $102.3 million, and will issue Scorpio with three million new Star Bulk shares.

Birth of Eneti Inc 

“The vessels are expected to be delivered to the company within the first and early second quarters of this year,” Star Bulk said.

Scorpio Bulkers is planning to change its name to Eneti Inc as part of the company’s transition away from the dry bulk sector an into offshore renewables.

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Source: Ship&Bunker