Stop Cyber Attack Onboard A Ship


Prevent Cyber Incident Onboard A Ship


A set of cyber security guidelines for ships were launched today by BIMCO, together with other leading shipping organisations, comprising CLIA, ICS, INTERCARGO and INTERTANKO.  It is meant to help the global shipping industry prevent major safety, environmental and commercial issues that could result from a cyber incident onboard a ship.

The cyber guidelines launched today are a first for the shipping industry.  Angus Frew, Secretary General of BIMCO, said: “BIMCO has led the way to provide the shipping industry with clear and comprehensive information on cyber security risks to minimise potential cyber vulnerabilities for ships  based on the latest expert research.”

 “The guidelines launched today should help companies take a risk-based approach to cyber security that is specific to their business and the ships they operate.”

Source: Bimco