Stormy Weather Keeps Rescue Crews From Reaching Stranded Tug



A tug boat, the Peter F Gellatly, had grounded by the weekend’s storms off Galveston’s East Beach since Sunday along with the barge it was tugging.  The prevailing weather condition makes rescue efforts more difficult.  “Winds coming from the north are blowing the water out from underneath the tug,” said Lt. Samuel Danus, public affairs officer with USCG Marine Safety Unit.

The six crew members aboard the tug are safe and will be rescued within the next 24 hours if the weather and tidal cycle cooperate.

The owners, Vance Brothers, are working with a company that will help free the vessels.  The vessels are intact and no pollution has been reported.

The barge had about 6,000 gallons of oil waste stored in smaller tanks.

Source: abc13 News