Tag: Microsoft

Microsoft To Revolutionize the Gaming World

Microsoft will release an Xbox Streaming Stick, says an article published in PCMag. Games shortage problem  Microsoft may be on the verge of solving the shortage...

Microsoft Warns Users To Uninstall Windows 11 Update

Microsoft has been forced to warn users to uninstall the Windows 11 update KB5012643. It appears to be causing some apps to crash,...

Microsoft Urges Users To Stop Using Internet Explorer Browser

Microsoft announced in mid 2021 that it will retire the company's Internet Explorer 11 browser in most Windows versions in June 2022.  That day is...

Microsoft Edge Is Getting a Built-In VPN

Following Google One's VPN and Apple's Private Relay, Microsoft's Edge Secure Network joins the ranks of top tech names offering virtual semi-private networks, reports...

Bill Gates Says He’d Marry Melinda Again If He Could

Bill Gates intends to marry Melinda French Gates, his ex-wife, "all over again”, as reported by Yahoo. A Wonderful marriage  The Microsoft founder told The Sunday...

The World’s Wealthiest Sports Team Owners In 2022

Despite rampant inflation and a volatile market, the world's ten wealthiest sports owners have a total net value of $353 billion, which is unchanged...

Microsoft Hacked?! Is It Valuable Enough For Ransom?

Microsoft is investigating claims that internal source code repositories have been accessed and data has been stolen. The alleged hack is linked to the...

China Demands Microsoft’s Bing To Suspend Auto-suggest Feature

China has ordered Microsoft Corp's (MSFT.O) Bing, the only major foreign search engine available in China, to suspend its auto-suggest function in China for...

Microsoft Invests in This Vessel-Efficiency Startup

Microsoft has signaled commitment to the blue-tech boom by helping to lead a $34 million funding round for Nautilus Labs, a tech firm that...

Tech Giants Finally Mandating Return To The Office

Large companies now face the choice of whether to offer flexibility or require their workers to come back to the office on certain...
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