The Maritime Labour Convention To Incorporate Pandemic Lessons


  • Governments, ship owners, and unions agree to a record number of Maritime Labor Convention amendments in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and crew change crisis.
  • New regulations improve access to onshore medical care, strengthen PPE requirements, and ensure access to communications to be able to contact loved ones.

Based on lessons learnt from the COVID-19 epidemic, the UN International Labour Organization (ILO) tripartite of shipowners, governments, and transport workers’ unions has agreed to new measures to reinforce the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) as reported by ICS Shipping.

New ILO report 

Delegates agreed to implement amendments to strengthen legal requirements for seafarers to be able to access medical care ashore; strengthen health and safety PPE policies onboard ships to protect against accidents; and further facilitate seafarers’ communication with their loved ones ashore at the ILO meeting, which took place in Geneva, Switzerland from May 2 to 13.

During the epidemic, governments failed to comply with crucial provisions of the MLC, causing needless deaths and a huge toll on seafarers’ mental health, according to a new ILO analysis released ahead of the discussions. 400,000 sailors were affected by the crew change issue at the height of the pandemic, unable to return to land or board ships due to stringent travel restrictions.

The International Chamber of Shipping has long represented the global marine employers’ organisation at the ILO.

Seafarer situation

The talks took place in the context of the ongoing seafarer situation in Ukrainian ports and the Sea of Azov. The ILO resolution asking for the speedy and secure disembarkation and repatriation of the 500 remaining detained seafarers was reaffirmed by governments. They demanded that crucial supplies including food, water, and medicines be delivered quickly to these key international employees trapped in the fighting zone.

In anticipation of the meeting, ICS released a paper summarising COVID-19’s impact on shipping, seafarers, and marine labour markets, as well as recommendations for avoiding future crises.

Implementation of the Convention

Max Johns, Spokesperson for the Shipowner Group at the ILO meeting, commented:

“These were very intense negotiations, but we are extremely pleased that all sides of this global tripartite structure ultimately agreed on new policies that are fit for purpose, and which put into practice some of the practical lessons that must be learned from COVID-19.”

Natalie Shaw, ICS Director of Employment Affairs, added:

“Though this is a great starting point, further reforms at a global level are necessary to ensure that the shipping community is better prepared and coordinated to address future shocks, including and beyond a pandemic.”

“We are pleased with the success of these negotiations, but now we must map out what more can be done.”

“ICS will work to ensure that the improved cooperation between states, ship owners, and workers remains, for the betterment of the whole maritime sector and the movement of global trade.”

Ms Corinne Vargha, Director of the International Labour Standards Department of the ILO, remarked:

“We welcome the adoption of these amendments which are a testimony to the added value of tripartism and international social dialogue. The outcomes of this meeting will in effect reinforce the relevance and impact of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (as amended). The ILO will continue working with governments, seafarers and shipowners to tackle challenges as they emerge and ensure full and harmonious implementation of the Convention.”

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Source: ICS Shipping