[Update] Grounded Capesize Bulk Carrier Refloated In Suez Canal


According to the reports, the Panamanian-flagged bulk carrier ran aground in Suez Canal on 25th February 2016.  Nearly after 10 days, the vessel was refloated after a complicated salvage.  The vessel was towed to safe depth by 5 tugs and taken 11 km in the northern direction on a 58-km mark of Suez Canal.

The reports state that the vessel suffered water ingress as it has undergone underwater breaches and holes.  But there is no danger for its seaworthiness.  The vessel was anchored at safe depth and will be repaired and patched at the new anchorage.

The vessel was lightened before refloating as the vessel was carrying several tons of iron ore.  The Suez Canal Authorities worked with the salvors to refloat the vessel without hindering the traffic in the canal.

Disclaimer : This video is intended for informational purpose only.  This may not be construed as a news item or advice of any sort.  Please consult the experts in that field for authenticity of the presentations.

Source: Sca Press on YouTube