USS Mount Whitney on Flames




Accident type: Fire.

Date: 31st July 2015.

Location: Viktor Lenac Shipyard, Rijeka, Croatia.

Vessel  involved: USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20).

Casualties: No reported casualties.

The vessel stationed at Viktor Lenac Shipyard, Rijeka at Croatia broke fire.  Ship’s force with the help of fire brigade personnel extinguished the fire in 45 minutes.  The investigation for the cause and extent of damage are underway.

The vessel was stationed at the shipyard for maintenance and upgradation to extend the vessel’s life till 2039. The process involves:

Shell Plating

Deck house steel renewal

Electrical power supply systems’ renewal

Mount Whitney is a Blue Ridge class command ship of the US Navy. This works under the flagship of the Sixth Fleet.  The vessel is one of two seaborne Joint Command platforms, known for its advanced and modern equipment like command control, communications and intelligence that enable her to effectively command all units.