Welder Dies at Samsung Heavy Industries While Using a Power Cutter



A worker involved in a welding accident during construction of a drilling rig for Statoil at South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries has reportedly died of his injuries.

On 21 April, the victim suffered severe cuts while using a power cutter during work.  He was employed by a subcontractor to work on the Category J rig being constructed for statoil. Reports claim that the yet to be identified victim had received medical treatment at the scene of the accident after which he was sent to the hospital, but the effort went in vain.

The latest death follows a series of accidents at South Korean yards, also including Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering and Hyundai Heavy Industries, with five workers reported to have died after recent incidents at the latter yard.

Statoil is building a pair of high-specification Cat-J rigs at Samsung that are due for delivery in the second and third quarters of 2017, with both units to be operated by KCA Deutag for production drilling on the state-owned operator’s Oseberg and Gullfaks fields off Norway.

Source: Upstream