What To Expect in Sulphur Cap 2020 Awards and Conference?


With less than 10 months remaining for the once-in-a-generation IMO 2020 regulatory change that will shift most of the global fleet onto entirely new fuels, world leaders from the shipping industry are meeting  for the annual european sulphur cap 2020 awards and conference in Amsterdam next month.

About the Conference.

The star studded 2 -day conference will begin in Novotel Amsterdam from 8th May, 2018. The schedule contains a robust panel of speakers from the maritime industry A key aspect of the programme is the marine propulsion award.

Agenda of the Conference

Most of the speakers here will be discussing about the little known regulatory change that is going to change shipping in the coming months. Others will have to look to technologies that have so far played only a small role in the maritime sector.

How will it impact?

For the well-informed shipowner or operator, IMO’s global sulphur cap is an opportunity as well as a challenge. The challenge remains the selection of the appropriate compliance method and the preparation of fleet, crew and ancillary functions. Opportunities include improving the cost base relative to competitors, investing in efficient new technologies and processes and safeguarding the fleet against future environmental regulation.

Aims and Objectives

The European Sulphur Cap 2020 Conference aims to shed light on these opportunities, addressing:

  • Which compliance option for which vessel and trade
  • What your crew needs to know about low-sulphur blends
  • How availability and pricing of low-sulphur fuel will affect uptake and operations
  • When a scrubber is a good choice for your vessel or fleet
  • How to tackle the challenges of scrubber financing, installation and maintenance
  • How growing availability and lower capex demands are driving LNG uptake
  • Why advances in gas-fuelled technology are driving today’s engine developments
  • How your chosen compliance method will affect your ship engines, machinery and technical operations
  • Why the 2020 sulphur cap offers a path to compliance with future environmental regulation.

Here’s an insight of last year’s conference and the award winner’s perspectives

Programme Schedule

DAY ONE: Wednesday 8th May 2019

  1. 07.30 Registration, coffee and networking
  2. 09.00 Welcome address from Riviera Maritime Media – Edwin Lampert, Head of Content, Riviera Maritime Media
  3. 09.05 Platinum Sponsor welcome – Richard Rowntree, Castrol Global Marine & Energy Marketing Manager, Castrol
  4. SESSION 1: A REGULATORY RALLYING CALL                                                                 a) 09.15 Opening Exclusive: ‘Beyond the 2020 Sulphur Cap – the road to 2050’

Michael Herson, Managing Director at The Strategy Works presents the results of a survey commissioned by Riviera Maritime Media looking at the impact, implications and implementation of the global sulphur cap, and how it fits into the long-range regulatory landscape.


A cross-section of the shipping industry assesses the path to 2020, future regulation and the findings of The Strategy Works’ survey- Nicholas Confuorto, President and CEO, CR Ocean Engineering

c)10.20 Q&A

d)10.30 Networking coffee break in the exhibition area sponsored by VPS


a)11.10 Low-sulphur fuel: The operational challenges

For the majority of the global merchant fleet, compliant fuel will be the answer to the sulphur cap. But it is not necessarily a straightforward path. This session explores the knowns and remaining unknowns around new low-sulphur fuel blends.

Low-sulphur blends: What we know

Addressing availability, compatibility, safety and engine condition concerns

Crew competence: Handling new fuel blends

MGO: Keeping it simple (but pricey)?

Charlotte Rojgaard, Global Technical Manager, Bureau Veritas VeriFuel

b)11.30 Q&A

c)11.40 Low-carbon fuels: An alternative future

A range of niche, low-flashpoint fuels is being marketed to shipowners. This session will assess the strengths and weaknesses of the options available. LNG and LPG uptake and availability

Making gas-fuelled ships affordable

Hydrogen and ammonia: Hype or hope?

Towards 2050: The Power-to-X revolution

Steve Bee, Group Commercial & Business Development Director, Veritas Petroleum Services (VPS)

d) 12.00 Q&A


The need to comply with increasingly stringent environmental legislation has inspired a new generation of technologies including hybrid power sources – notably batteries and fuel cells – and the seemingly infinite possibilities of digitalisation. How does the ship operator differentiate between the myriad options available?


  • Balancing multiple emission demands
  • Simplifying the engineroom
  • The impact of aftertreatment
  • Preparing for hybridisation
  • Digital monitoring and advanced diagnostics

Panellists include: Kjeld Aabo, Director, New Technologies, Sales & Promotion, MAN energy solutions Patrick Baan, Director, System Integration & Performance, R&D & Engineering, Wärtsilä Rolf Stiefel, Sales & Marketing Vice President, Winterthur Gas & Diesel

b)13.00 Q&A

c) 13.10 Networking lunch in the exhibition area sponsored by Goltens


This session explores classification societies evolving approach to regulation, classification, enforcement and digitalisation.

  1. 14.20 The Class Perspective
  • Environmental regulatory landscape
  • IMO compliance options
  • Emerging regional emission requirements
  • Global availability of compliant fuels
  • Looking toward 2030 – importance of data and technology
  • Enforcement and the responsibility of Class
  • Jan Otto de Kat, Director – Containerships Market Sector, ABS
  • Fabian Kock, Head of Section Environmental Certification, DNV GL

b) 14.40 Q&A


New fuels mean new challenges for engine condition. Shipowners will rely on cylinder oils to protect them from the worst of the fuel quality issues expected under the low-sulphur regime. This session will explore how lubricant providers are preparing the market for those challenges.

  • Lubricating for low-sulphur fuel
  • Reagentless cylinder oil testing: Pros and cons
  • The benefits of onboard blending
  • Fuel economy lubrication

Panellists include: Richard Rowntree, Castrol Global Marine & Energy Marketing Manager, Castrol Don Gregory, Director, EGCSA / Technical & Solutions Director, Gulf Oil Marine Iain White, Director, ExxonMobil Marine Rob Ashton, Fuels Account Manager, Infineum Kenny Park, Technical Manager, Lukoil Marine Lubricants John Schakel, Global Product Application Specialist, Shell Senior Representative, Total

b) 15.40 Q&A

c) 15.50 Networking coffee break in the exhibition area sponsored by VPS


Insights from those tasked with implementing and paying for the changes brought about by IMO’s global sulphur legislation. How are shipowners, operators and managers responding when many are already under financial pressure, and with a pipeline of further environmental regulations ahead?

  1. 16.30 PANEL DISCUSSION: Preparing for 2020 – challenges and opportunities
  • Dealing with technical and legal challenges
  • Identifying commercial and environmental pitfalls
  • Making the transition to a post 2020 world
  • Balancing regulation requirements and operating costs
  • Choosing the option that is right for you: Low sulphur versus scrubber
  • Level playing fields and high seas: ensuring effective enforcement

Panellists include: Ian Adams, Executive Director, Clean Shipping Alliance 2020 (representing 37 shipowner members) Tor Øyvind Ask, Fleet Director, SOLVANG

b)17.00 Q&A

c) 17.10 Closing remarks by conference chairman

d) 18.00 Drinks reception followed by the annual Marine Propulsion Awards

e) 22.00 End of day one

DAY TWO: Thursday 9th May 2019

  1. 08.30 Registration, networking and coffee
  2. 09.00 Welcome address from Riviera Maritime Media -Edwin Lampert, Head of Content, Riviera Maritime Media
  3. 09.10 Opening keynote address – Ian Adams, Executive Director, Clean Shipping Alliance 2020

Session chair: Don Gregory, Director, EGCSA / Technical & Solutions Director, Gulf Oil Marine.

The potential to avoid costly compliant fuel makes scrubbers an appealing instrument. But there are challenges too. It is a complex calculation for shipowners in which better technology can tip the scale. The second day of the conference explores these issues in depth.

  1. 09.30 PANEL DISCUSSION: The science of scrubbers

An exploration of the science and technology behind scrubbers

Panellists include:

Emanuele Gariboldi, Managing Director, Ecospray Technologies

Ken McClelland, Technical Director, Pacific Green Technologies Group

Ralf Jurgens, CEO, Primarine

Senior Representative, SAACKE

Stian Aakre, General Manager, EGC Sales, Wärtsilä Hamworthy Moss

Kai Latun, Vice President- Sales & Marketing, Yara Marine Technologies

b) 10.20 Q&

c) 10.30 Paper title to be confirmed

Aldo Caiazzo, HCMP Advisor – Hydrocarbon Product Quality, Shell Downstream Services International

d) 10.50 Networking coffee break in the exhibition area sponsored by Norsk Analyse


Session chair: Don Gregory, Director, EGCSA / Technical & Solutions Director, Gulf Oil Marine

  1. 11.30 Retrofit challenges: Scrubbers for existing vessels

Installing scrubbers on existing ships is particularly challenging given the constraints of space and weight, as well as finding engineering experience and shipyard slots to make the changes. This session identifies the key concerns and highlights some solutions

Craig Gundry, General Manager, Fassmer

Maarten Jeronimus, Vice President, Goltens Rotterdam

Ben Wise, Technical Manager – Power Services – Marine & Offshore Projects, Harris Pye Group

b) 12.00 Q&A

c) 12.10 Corrosion: The scourge of scrubbers

The removal of sulphur generates highly corrosive exhaust gasses which if not fully understood can cause maintenance challenges. This session explores how new scrubber designs and materials are improving lifecycle value.

Raymond Jaegersen, Technical Director, Sverdrup Steel

d) 12.30 Q&A

e) 12.40 PANEL DISCUSSION: The role of monitoring

What role will monitoring of exhaust gasses and washwater play for operators seeking to use scrubbers?

Panellists include: Magnus Thoren, Global Sales Manager, Consilium Marine & Safety

Allan Skouboe, CTO, Danfoss IXA

Tor-Erik Sannum, CEO & Managing Director, Norske Analyse

f) 13.10 Q&A

g) 13.20 Networking lunch in the exhibition area sponsored by Primarine

  1. SESSION 8: SCRUBBER FINANCE AND REGULATION                                                  a) 14.30 Making scrubbers pay

A look at the financing options available, including those driven by banks, suppliers, shipyards and even shipowners.

Barry Bednar, CEO, Avantis Marine

b) 14.50 Q&A

c) 15.00 Regulation, perception and compliance

A look at the global, regional and local regulations governing scrubber use and what they mean for uptake. Is perception getting in the way of science? How can shipowners and scrubbers successfully challenge kneejerk local reactions?

Philip Roche, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright

d) 15.20 Q&A

e)15.30 Non-Compliance and its effects from a P&I Clubs perspective

Mark Smith, Loss Prevention Executive, North of England P&I

f) 15.50 Q&A

g) 16.00 Networking coffee break in the exhibition area sponsored by Norsk Analyse

7. SESSION 9: THE FINAL WORD ON COMPLIANCE                                                           a) 16.40 PANEL DISCUSSION: Three leading shipowners, each focusing on one of the three main compliance options, wrap up the conference with a practical explanation of the technical and operational challenges behind each choice and the steps needed to prepare for 2020.                                                                                                                            b)17.00 Q&A                                                                                                                  c) 17.10 Closing remarks from conference chairman – Edwin Lampert, Head of Content, Riviera Maritime Media

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Source: Sulphurcap 2020