Windows Hello Offers 100% User Security



Microsoft’s operating system Windows is very popular among computer users. After Windows 8, Microsoft launched Windows 10 a little over a month ago skipping Windows 9. The new OS has a feature that can’t be breached even by identical twins.

Normal signing in is with a password that can be hacked by experts. In Windows Hello, however, the logging in feature of Windows 10 has provision for using face, fingerprint or iris to authenticate the user, if the PC has hardware support for the software requirements.

Windows Hello requires the use of Intel’s RealSense camera. The ability of the system to keep out lookalikes was tested in Australia where one in 40 people is a twin and about one-quarter to one-third of those pairs are identical. So, the unique logging in the feature was tested with six pairs of identical twins who volunteered. According to the ATR (Australian Twins Registry), about 1 percent of the population is identical twins.

The Australian took six sets of identical twins. One twin from each pair registered a Windows account on a Lenovo Thinkpad notebook with facial recognition as a method for logging in. The system did never mistakenly allow a twin to log into their sibling’s account. However, the software did experience a few glitches when identifying valid login attempts. That’s a win for Intel and Microsoft,” writes The Australian’s Chris Griffith.

Interestingly, the system can be partially fooled if a twins used both their faces to set up the identification; later on, either face can be used to sign into the account. According to Microsoft, with the use of Windows Hello system and the Intel RealSense camera the probability of error is less than one in 100,000.

Source: WinBeta