Did A Faulty Piping Caused Bunker Fuel Spill At The Port Of LA?


California Spill: Oiled Birds Found Near L.A. Harbour


Fish and wildlife officials are working to help six oiled seabirds after the car carrier spilled oil in Los Angeles.

Mfame, yesterday reported the oil spill at berth 198 in the west coast port of Los Angeles.  Today this is an update after the second helicopter flight by Los Angeles Police Department.  The birds are now shifted to the Oiled Wildlife Care Network for treatment.

The authorities of Fish and wildlife department have rescued six birds covered with oil as a result of the spill.  The Los Angeles Police Department conducted two helicopter flights to assess the situation.  A private aircraft has also been employed to survey the impacted area. Reports state progress in the clean-up efforts after the aerial survey.

So far investigations suspect the faulty piping that may have allowed oil to leak from the starboard side of the ship.  The amount of oil spilled is not known.  A total of 17,200 feet boom surrounds the vessel as well as critical points in the channel.  The boom has successfully contained the oil within the affected area preventing further contamination of the harbor.  Eighteen response vessels are working continuously using booms, sweepers and sorbent pads to remove the fuel.

Boat traffic underneath the Commodore Schuyler F. Heim Bridge has been restricted during cleanup efforts, although automobile traffic over the span has not been affected.

Public who come across oiled wildlife are requested to contact the Oiled Wildlife Care Network at (877)823-6926.


Source: Daily Breeze