Class NK Going for More Rational Remote ICT Surveys


In a major development, Leading Classification Society ClassNK has released “Guidelines for Remote Surveys” in preparation for carrying out remote surveys  using ICT (Information and Communication Technology), says a press release published on their website.

What’s in it?

The guidelines outline requirements to apply to remote surveys for some types of occasional surveys, and from now on ClassNK will implement remote surveys that satisfy the requirements.

Sophisticated Rational Surveys

ClassNK has been working on the advancement of surveys using digital technology in research and development in line with their R&D roadmap developed in 2017. The Society aims to implement more sophisticated and rational surveys using various digital technologies such as IoT technology, ICT, big data, AI, condition monitoring/evaluation, and robotics. Specifically, they aim to develop remote surveys using ICT, ship survey systems for both hull and machinery based on condition monitoring/evaluation technology, and individual digital ship records using digital twins.

Remote Surveys Testing

For remote surveys using ICT, ClassNK has investigated and examined the types of surveys that can be applied, the types and amounts of information required for remote surveys, and the requirements for the use of ICT, ensuring reliability equivalent to conventional witness surveys with transparency in the application of remote surveys. The guidelines are outcomes of these results and will be reviewed as necessary in accordance with the progress of related technology development.

Opitimizing Surveys

ClassNK will continue to optimize their surveys using digital technology and will strive for continuous improvement in survey quality and rationalization.

The Guidelines for Remote Surveys are available to download free of charge via ClassNK’s website for those who have registered for the ClassNK “My Page” service. To register for the “My Page” service free of charge, go to the ClassNK website and click on the “My Page Login” button.

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Source: Class NK