Change In Bunker Surveyors Function For MFM Deliveries


Change In Bunker Surveyors Function For Mass Flow Metres Deliveries 


In previous mfame articles we discussed about Provisional Standard For Mass Flow Metering Systems and the introduction of the First Mass Flow Metering System for Hong Kong.  This article specifically focuses on the new functions of bunker surveyors as expected in MPA FAQ document

By 1st Jan 2017, all Marine fuel oil (MFO) bunkering activities in the port of Singapore, need to be by means of mass flow metres.  Fairly a few people from Industry are risking on the role of bunker surveyors in this brave new world in which the custody transfer quantities are essentially programmed through mass flow meter readings and tank dipping will become older thing.

The usage of mass flow meter though mandatory in Singapore from the ensuing year onwards does not mean that bunker surveyors become a remnant of the past.  The mass flow metering is not a “plug and play” system and MPA has severely together with the industry developed  a process that ensures mass flow metering system integrity in Singapore is healthy and delivers quantity measurement readings by which the buyers and sellers can trust on.  The mass flow metering system is emphasised with a view to safeguard and maintain and ensure continuous ongoing reliability.

Surveyors doubting their relevance in future would do well in reading TR 48- Bunkering by mass flow meter technical reference- cover to cover as it refers bunker surveyors words many a times.

The below Question and response taken from “FAQ ON MASS FLOW METERING (MFM) FOR BUNKERING” – MPA Document :

Q17: Is there still a need for bunker surveyors for deliveries done via the mass-flow meters?

A: Yes. The role of bunker surveyor being an independent party to witness and ensure compliance to bunker delivery processes remains unchanged.  There is a change in the Ffunction of bunker surveyors for MFM deliveries.  For example, the surveyor is required to cross check the seal verification report and the actual physical seals at various locations in the MFM system.  This procedure is to ensure the integrity of the entire MFM before and after the delivery.  The detailed actions required from bunker surveyors are covered under the Generic MFM delivery procedure.  MPA is also looking to expand the scope of work for surveyor and exploring the possibilities to train bunker surveyor to perform zero verification for approved MFM system.

Q18: Will there be training provided to ensure bunker surveyors have the competency on MFM delivery?

A: Yes. MPA is currently working with various organisations to conduct technical workshops, pre-conference symposium and bunker surveyor refresher courses to ensure bunker surveyors attain the competency to handle MFM delivery.  We will be contacting accredited bunker surveying firms to share further details.

The learning from this is that although the bunker surveyor’s role has changed, it is still needed with a different appearance.  Surveyors to take representative samples from the bunker loading/delivery, which is an important duty will continue to remain the same.  By and large it’s time for the surveyor community to perhaps not to hang their boots up after all but get ready for the change.

Source: MPA