Storm Wrecked Cruise Ship Turns Back



‘Anthem Of The Seas’, the world’s newest and biggest cruise ship got caught in a fierce storm and suffered some damage late Sunday.  The cruise ship carried nearly 4,529 passengers and 1,616 crew members.  The vessel set sail for a seven-night cruise to Florida and the Bahamas.  The ship is now returning to Bayonne, and the remaining voyage is canceled.

Reports say wave heights of 30 feet and wind gusts of 74 mph tossed the ship around damaging furniture, smashing glassware and collapsing part of a ceiling in a public corridor.  Four passengers faced minor injuries during the incident.

Sunday, as the storm raged, the captain asked the passengers to remain in their cabins.  The situation began to improve late in the evening, and by 1 a.m. Monday the ship had resumed sailing.

Source: USA today