UK Reveals Continued Drop in Offshore Covid-19 Cases


According to the UK’s offshore oil and gas sector (OGUK), suspected offshore Covid-19 cases continue to fall, says an article published in Safety4Sea.

Fall in suspected COVID-19 cases 

The UK’s offshore oil and gas sector (OGUK) confirmed the number of Category C flights has continued to decrease and was made up of just 0.03% of the total number of people on offshore installations for the week ending July 26.

OGUK said it will reflect on lessons learnt from the coronavirus pandemic as it reveals suspected COVID-19 cases offshore continue to decrease due to “effective industry-wide measures” to protect the sector.

Sectors support in energy transition

This allows the sector to continue providing secure and affordable energy in support of the energy transition.

Trevor Stapleton, OGUK’s health, safety and environment director, said:

“As we move into the recovery phase – which will mean increasing POB offshore – a  missing piece of the jigsaw is still  asymptomatic testing for our offshore workforce,  carried out using the NHS UK test centres and we continue to make the case for this with both the UK and Scottish governments. The reduction in c-med flights is a recognition of both industry-imposed barriers and UK measures being effective”.

Steps for COVID-19 operational impact

Mr. Stapleton also noted that a Cat-C passenger is only symptomatic of COVID-19 and may not be a positive case, therefore the percentage figure is the worst-case scenario.

OGUK will also look ahead to the next six months to consider what steps could be taken in terms of navigating  the operational impact of COVID-19, preparations for winter flu season and the foreseen impacts.

“The open and continuous sharing of our experiences within our industry, with other sectors and with government will be critical as we look to the future. While we must now start working on how to bring this essential industry back on its feet, we must also take the time to learn and reflect”.

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Source: Safety4Sea