HHI Clinches $388 Million Green Syndicate Loan

HHI has bagged a green syndicated loan worth $388 million from KDB. HHI signed an agreement in Seoul with South Korea state bank KDB. Green loans are used for financing projects that support...

Leading Shipping Corporation Gets Green Certification!

CMA CGM's vessels provides 20% reduction in carbon emissions and no fine particle pollution. The vessels are equipped with engines that have been certified by the classification society Bureau Veritas. The CMA CGM...

Key Players Discuss Shipowner’s Experiences With Scrubbers

CSA included a shipowner panel with Spliethoff, Grimaldi, and Genco Shipping. Spliethoff operates 50 multipurpose dry cargo vessels from 12,000 to 23,000 DWT. Genco Shipping provides dry bulk transportation of iron ore, coal,...

Vaccines Go Scarce As ‘Mutant’ Blood-Sucking Ticks Plague!

Mutant arachnids are said to combine 'worst qualities' of two common types of Russian tick. The discovery comes amid swarm of ticks, said to be caused by warmer weather. Reports say there are...

WHO Issues Updated Guidelines for Using Face Masks

WHO has released its updated guidance for governments. It noticed that people must wear fabric face masks in public places to curb the spread. Public settings include stores, work, mass gatherings, schools, or...

Cargo Vessel Goes Down After Contacting Constructions!

Iranian cargo ship sank after contacting constructions in the Persian Gulf, writes Nikolay Torkin for Maritime Bulletin. Cargo ship sinks Iranian cargo ship Behbahan sank at night Jun 4 in northern Persian Gulf, SE of Umm...

[Watch] Greater Use of Masks To Curtail COVID19 Spread, Says WHO

In a major development, the World Health Organization (WHO) updated its guidance on Friday to recommend that governments ask everyone to wear fabric face masks in public areas where there is a risk of...

Road Freight Demand Rises Amid Coronavirus Pandemic!

Demand picking up for DSV China-Europe road freight service. Air freight capacity crunch due to the coronavirus pandemic saw increases in air freight rates. Congestion caused slowdown in air freight supply chains. Asia-Europe...

COVID19 Pushing More Boxships Towards Scrapping As Idle Fleet Grows

According to a LoadStar article written by Mike Wackett, demolition markets in the Indian subcontinent have now largely reopened and are preparing for a new wave of containerships for scrapping. Decline in Scrapping Rates According to...

Unblanking and Wavering Freight Rates To Impact $23bn Loss

Shipper and forwarders plan their container shipment bookings for the third quarter. But they can expect a new wave of blanking announcements over the next two-to-three weeks. While the second quarter of the...